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Provincial Grand Lodge of West Kent
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Meridian Lodge Facebook page
About us ....

The Meridian Lodge of West Kent was consecrated on 4th February 1987 at Oakley House, Bromley, Kent.

The Lodge is a Patron of the R.M.B.I.

We are a very happy Masonic Lodge based at The Dartford Masonic Centre, Kent, where we meet for our Lodge meetings and many of our social events.

Our visitors, friends and family will vouch that good food, good company and good entertainment are enjoyed by all.

Lodge Meetings

1st Wednesday in March (Installation), 3rd Tuesday in June, 4th Thursday in September and 1st Friday in December

Forthcoming Ceremonies 2024

On the 26th September 2024, the Meridian Lodge of West Kent No.9202, will be conducting a 2nd degree ceremony and again on Friday 6th December 2024 to Pass two of our recent candidates. All masons are invited to attend and should contact the Secretary to register their interest.

The meeting will be held at the Dartford Masonic Hall, 71 West Hill, Dartford DA1 2HJ, Time TBA.

Wide (White) Table Meeting Friday 30th November 2024

A Wide, or now more commonly known as a "White" Table meeting is when all the non Masonic guests (including wife's and partners) can attend the meal. Men who are either curious about Freemasonry, or who have expressed some interest in the subject in the past have the opportunity to meet our members and ask questions and find out some of those facts they may up to then have not known. The object of the evening is to generate membership enquiries by allowing non masons to experience the very special atmosphere we are all so familiar with, both within the Temple and at the dining table, and to enjoy typical Masonic hospitality at the Festive Board.

This years event will be at the

Westwood Masonic Centre, 168 Bellegrove Road, Welling DA16 3RD

Please contact James Coomber ( for further information

Upcoming Outings

Craft -

W.Bro. Michael John Ives, PPrSGW (2024) 

Holy Royal Arch -

E.Comp. G.M. Garrett, PPrGSoj (2024)

Congratulations to all 

Tour of Grand Lodge
Freemasons Hall

Grand Lodge tour date TBA.

After the tour of Grand Lodge, the members will gather at the Freemasons Arms for lunch.

Further tours of Grand Lodge are to be arranged.

We do not guarantee that websites accessed via links on these pages are either Masonic in nature or have been approved or endorsed by the United Grand Lodge of England. We specifically do not warrant that any other websites accessible from their pages are recognised by, or have the approval of, the United Grand Lodge of England.
First Wednesday in March (Installation)
Third Tuesday in June
Fourth Thursday in September
First Friday in December
Famous Masons